

This Partnership Agreement (the Agreement”) is entered into effective this 

_____ day of _____________________ 20 ___ (DD) (MONTH) (Y) 


Catch The Fire [Country] a family of churches and ministries whose principal place of business in [Country]

(hereinafter CTF [Country]”) 



a church/ministry whose principal place of business is



(hereinafter Partner”) 

collectively, the Parties.” 

1 Recitals 

WHEREAS, Catch The Fire (hereinafter “CTF”) is a registered religious charity with the mission to impact the world by welcoming and responding to God's presence personally and corporately, communicating effectively, and developing world class leaders in every sphere of life and is incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act, R.S.C. 1970, Chapter c-32; 

WHEREAS, CTFAsia is a registered [please describe] and is in partnership with CTF sharing the same vision, core value and mission statement of CTF with the focus to serve and to minister in Asia and Asia Pacific regions;

WHEREAS, CTF [Country] is a registered [please describe] and is in partnership with CTFAsia sharing the same vision, core value and mission of CTF with the focus to serve and to minister in [Country];

WHEREAS, both CTF and CTFAsia have fully endorsed the terms of this Partnership Agreement have given CTF [Country] full authority to enter into this Partnership Agreement with Partner;

WHEREAS, both CTF [Country] and Partner desire that Partner be among those churches and ministries affiliated with CTF, CTFAsia and CTF [Country]; 

WHEREAS, the purpose of this Agreement is to formalize and document the terms and conditions that comprise the mutual understanding and commitment of CTF [Country] and Partner to each other for the purpose of establishing, coordinating, and implementing policies, procedures, and standards for CTF on a worldwide basis with particular focus in [Country]; 

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and in mutual reliance on the covenants, conditions, representations, privileges, and obligations set forth herein, CTF [Country] and Partner agree as follows : 

2 Shared Commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ 

Vision Statement

To be a global apostolic ministry, planting and nurturing on-fire, missional churches, and ministries, in every nation with particular focus on [Country]. 

Mission Statement

To raise up leaders of leaders, each one on fire, living in the Person, Presence and Power of God, leading a family of churches and ministries overflowing with His love and power, transforming the world. 

Core Values

Our core values are the underlying principles that guide us in making decisions, determining priorities, setting goals, allocating resources and carrying out programs. They are the defining characteristics of CTF and are drawn from biblical teachings. 

There are two directives of Jesus that we lean on for our values. The great command requires us to learn how to love God, love others and love ourselves. The great commission requires that we win souls, connect followers, disciple and send out leaders who are immersed in all aspects of the Trinity. 

We value hearing Gods Voice John 10:3-4, Hebrews 1:1-2, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, James 1:22 

Every follower of Jesus is designed to communicate with God. God speaks to us through a variety of ways and means. Our response is to listen, and in turn, talk to God through prayer, obey Him, and learn to be a doer of His Word. 

We value knowing God as Father John 14:6-13, Luke 15:11-32, Romans 8:35-38 

Experiencing God as our true Father just like Jesus did will change our lives. Every child of God needs to feel, know, and experience the unconditional, extravagant love of Father God. 

We value healing lifes hurts 2 Corinthians 7:1, 2 Corinthians 3:18, John 16:14, John 15:1, 1 Thessalonians 5:23 

Before we can truly love others, we must first love ourselves and that means allowing the Spirit of God to transform our spirit, soul, and body. Our Father is able to reveal to us issues and hurts that need healing. The Holy Spirit knows what we need to believe and receive in order to become whole. 

We value empowering in the anointing Luke 4:16-21, Luke 9:1-6, Luke 10:1-9 

The anointing is the power of the Holy Spirit for breakthroughs from poverty, brokenness, ill health, and oppression from demonic forces, that takes us into incredible favour. We desire for all to receive these breakthroughs and then to release the anointing to others. 

We value multiplication of leaders Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 28:16-20, 2 Timothy 2:2 

Everyone can be a person of influence, a leader, a disciple for Christ. As we hear Gods voice, receive His unconditional love, deal with our issues, and receive His anointing, we become more like Jesus in character, anointing and authority. We are commissioned by Him to go out into all the world, give it away and make disciples of all nations. 

Statement of Faith

We believe there is one God who lives forever in three persons: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) 

We believe that the Bible is God's Word to the world, speaking to us with authority and without error. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) 

We believe in the divinity of Jesus Christ the Son, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His death for us on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the Father, and His personal, physical return to rule the earth in power and love. (John 1:14-18; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18) 

We believe that all mankind are lost in sin and need to turn from it and trust personally in the Savior, Jesus Christ. All need to be born anew by the Holy Spirit's power into God's family. (Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:5-7) 

We believe the Holy Spirit lives in us as believers and brings love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, and self-control into our lives. He works in and through us with His charismatic gifts. (Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11) 

We believe in the resurrection of every person; to eternal life for the believer and eternal judgment for the lost. (Matthew 25:31-46) We believe in unity for all believers in our Lord Jesus Christ and seek community together: we want to become more like Him in every way, who is the head of His body, the Partner. We are called to love Him and one another and are enabled to do this only as His life flows through us. (1 Corinthians 12:12-13; Matthew 22:37-40) 

We believe the Scriptures teach that marriage is the covenanting together of one man and one woman in a union to the exclusion of all others. This union is established by an authorized ceremony under God. Marriage is a unique reflection of Gods faithful love for all humankind. The relationship of husband and wife, as family, reflects the covenanting self-giving love between Christ and His Bride, the Church. The pledge of mutual faithfulness is not tentative or conditional. The permanent nature of the marriage bond gives security and promotes the development of a trusting relationship. The Church has a responsibility to care for, nurture and prayerfully support the marriage relationship and the children of the union. (Genesis 1:27; Genesis 2:18; Genesis 2:24; 1 Corinthians 7:4-5; Ephesians 5:25) 

3 Distinctive Status 

3.1. No Partnership or Joint Venture 

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to constitute a partnership or joint venture among CTF [Country] and Partner, and neither CTF [Country] nor Partner shall become bound by any representation, act, or omission of the other not expressly provided for in this Agreement. 

3.2. Authority 

CTF [Country] shall have no authority over Partner on any matters except any authority specifically granted to it in this Agreement and any subsequent revision or renewal thereof, and any authority granted by any other agreements between Partner and CTF [Country]. Except as otherwise provided herein or as mutually agreed upon by the Parties, neither Party has authority to act as agent of the other. 

4 Elements of Affiliation 

4.1 Partners Role 

4.1.1. Support and Uphold CTF’s Core Vision, Mission and Values 

4.1.2. Excellence in Partner Leaders 

The following statements are a guide for Partner Leaders : 

1. Agree with the CTF’s Statement of Faith. 

2. Have a clear call of God on their life and called to be in leadership as seen by leadership and demonstrated by action and character. 

3. Live the values of CTF; for example, generous giving, involvement in outreaches, missions, engaged in prayer and relational evangelism. 

4. Has raised up other leaders – as a small group or cell leader or in another area of ministry in their community, for example; worship, youth or childrens ministry. In the community, is gifted at bringing people into greater fullness in various aspects of life. 

5. Has demonstrated leadership skills, entrepreneurial initiatives, community leadership and ministry leadership. 

6. Has an established relationship in the ministry of CTFAsia and CTF [Country], Partners in Harvest, or partnering ministries. 

7. Has the time to dedicate to the ministry and is available to travel to events and missions. 

8. Has completed a Healing Week, or similar personal ministry, and is committed to an ongoing lifestyle of heart healing. 

9. In terms of Christian education: 

a. Attended some form of Ministry Training

b. Completed secondary school and preferably have a college diploma or a university degree. 

4.1.3. Fueling the Mission 

1. Our desire is to reach the world with Jesus through the sharing of our values, equipping people, and releasing them to bring revival to their nations. 

2. To fulfill this vision we ask all affiliated Partners and offices to contribute to the vision of CTF [Country] by contributing 10% percent of their non-designated donations or weekly tithes and offerings to CTF [Country].

3. Remittances of non-regular donations should be made within the following month after receipt and remittances of regular tithes and offerings should be made monthly. Partners that are late will be sent an email notice. The full tithe contribution should be made within one month of the email notice being sent. If there are mitigating circumstances due to unforeseen events, the Partner should inform the designated member of CTF [Country] as soon as possible to discuss the situation from a relationship perspective. Remittances could be switched to once in three months if requested.

4.1.4. Information and Communication Technology Coordination 

1. CTF, CTFAsia and CTF [Country] have certain website assets and Marks that Partner may place on their website, indicating affiliation with CTF, CTFAsia and CTF [Country]

2. CTF and CTFAsia will provide advice on Information Technology on request, including standards for websites, domain names, and the use of the TM, ® and © symbols. 

4.2 The Role of CTFAsia

4.2.1. CTF [Country] will provide and when necessary procure CTF and CTFAsia to provide the following Supporting Services :-

1. Depending on the country of domicile services may include: 

a. Access to international, national, and regional leaders who are available for support, encouragement, and strategy. 

b. Access to international, national, and regional gatherings, events, and conferences which allow our family to connect and grow deeper in our relationship with the Trinity. 

c. Access to regular zoom calls for various members of your pastoral and leadership teams, ex. Lead Pastors, Worship Leaders, Youth & Childrens Pastors, Evangelists. 

d. Educational resources through Catch The Fire College. 

e. Access to on-line, written, and video training resources. 

f. Access to copyright materials for use in internal education and equipping and missions. 

2. CTF [Country] will procure CTFAsia and when necessary CTF to provide certain technology infrastructure for Partner to utilize, including email, collaboration services.

3. CTF and CTFAsia have expertise and corporate contacts that may be of use to Partner, in the areas of technology solutions, website development, application integration, database management, etc. Advice and guidance can be provided to Partner as needed on a "best effort" basis. 

5 Grant of License 

5.1  CTF has internationally protected Trademarks and must protect any unauthorized use of those Marks. Should Partner desire to use CTF Marks, CTF [Country] will procure CTFAsia to grant a non-exclusive sublicense to Partner to use the Marks pursuant to the Trademark License Agreement (TLA), a separate agreement, which shall be entered prior to Partners use of CTF Marks. 

5.2  Partners must adopt one of the three options more particularly prescribed and revised from time to time in www.catchthefirehub.com for their name under this Agreement 

6 Term and Termination 

6.1 Termination 

This Agreement may be terminated upon the occurrence of any of the following events : 

1. Upon the mutual agreement of the parties, or by either party by written notice to the other; 

2. By either party upon the failure of the other party to comply with any material provision of this Agreement, if such noncompliance is not remedied within thirty (30) days after receiving written notice of such default; 

3. By either party upon the bankruptcy or dissolution of the other party; 

4. By CTF [Country], in the event Partner infringes any trademark of CTF or uses any CTF trademark in a manner that, in the sole discretion of CTF [Country] or CTFAsia, is likely to tarnish or harm the goodwill of any of the trademarks or the reputation of CTF or CTF [Country]; or 

5. By either party, if a senior leader of the other party, has engaged in an activity which involves a pattern of immorality or unethical practices in financial or other matters, or that constitutes a felony or serious misdemeanor, or that deviates in any way from CTF Core Values or Statement of Faith. 

6.2 Effect of Termination 

Upon termination of this Agreement, Partner will immediately discontinue use of all of the Marks and shall return to CTF [Country], or destroy, delete, and remove from use, all materials containing CTF Marks or copyrighted materials. Partner shall also immediately return to CTF [Country] all other CTF [Country] and CTF property provided to Partner, and shall immediately fulfill any and all pending obligations to CTF [Country] or CTFAsia. All rights granted to Partner hereunder shall forthwith revert to CTF [Country]. 

7 Assignment 

Neither this Agreement nor any rights or duties hereunder, in whole or in part, are assignable by either party without the prior written consent of the other. Any attempt to assign the rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement without such consent shall be a breach of this Agreement and be null and void. 

8 No Modifications 

This Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by the authorized officers of CTF [Country] and Partner. 

9 Governing Law, Conflict Resolution and Jurisdiction 

9.1  The laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall govern the interpretation, construction, and enforcement of this Agreement and all transactions and agreements contemplated hereby, notwithstanding any choice of law rules to the contrary. The parties recognize that conflicts or disputes may occasionally arise, and shall utilize best efforts to resolve any and all conflicts or disputes in private meetings between the parties. 

9.2  If any dispute cannot be resolved in private meetings, the parties agree, as an alternative to litigation, to enter mediation and, if mediation is unsuccessful, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre. The parties agree that any arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction over the subject matter or parties. The parties understand that these methods shall be the sole remedy for any controversy or claim arising out of this Agreement or the subject matter hereof, and expressly waive their right to file a lawsuit or claim against one another for such disputes, except to enforce an arbitration decision. 

9.3  Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event of actual or threatened violation of the domain name and trademark rights of CTF, CTFAsia and CTF [Country], CTF, CTFAsia and CTF [Country] may obtain from any court of competent jurisdiction such injunctive relief as may be appropriate to compel compliance with or prevent breach of domain name and trademark rights of CTF, CTFAsia or CTF [Country]. The obligations of CTF [Country] and Partner under this Section 9 shall survive expiration or termination hereof, and shall continue hereafter in full force and effect. 

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused the Agreement to be signed by their duly authorized representatives. 

CTF [Country]













捉人 遊戲玩法 幼兒一人將手掌掌心朝下向前伸。其餘幼兒每人伸出一食指頂住伸掌者的手心,念兒歌,兒歌唸到最後一字時,伸掌者迅速抓握掌心中的食指,伸食指者要盡快逃脫,被抓住食指者就做下一次遊戲的伸掌者。 城門城門幾丈高 遊戲玩法 城門城門幾丈高,三十六丈高,騎花馬,帶大刀,走進城門套一套,問你吃橘子還是吃香蕉?兩個幼兒做城門,隻手相握上舉,事先商量好,一方為橘子,一方為香蕉,其餘幼兒圍成圓圈,邊念兒歌邊依次鑽過城門。 當兒歌唸到最後一個字時,做城門的兩個人手放下,套住一個參加者,然後問他要吃香蕉還是橘子,被套住的人回答後,站在相應的一方後面,等所有幼兒被套完後,比一比香蕉多還是橘子多。 捉尾巴 玩法:幼兒兩人一組,各自在後腰帶上繫上彩繩當尾巴。遊戲開始,四散跑開,每一對幼兒要想辦法捉對方的尾巴,同時你要保護自己的尾巴。抓到對方尾巴者為勝。(只能在圓圈內跑,抓到後快速回到老師處)提出要求後,與幼兒共同遊戲。遊戲結束後教師針對情況,及時表揚鼓勵。 夾球接力跑 玩 法:遊戲的人分成兩隊,不是進行普通的接力跑,而是用膝關節處夾球跳著跑。如果用手抱球或球落地均為犯規,要返回出發地重跑。為了夾球方便,不要使用過大的球 ■顏色大風吹(一種、二種、三種) 一個 ■海浪拳 3.猜拳升降梯(進階猜拳攻城堡) 適合人數:10人左右 器材場地:帶至有樓梯的地方即可 方式:由老師在階梯最下層當關主,所有學生在階梯最上端,與關主猜拳,贏者往下走一格、平手則不動,最先走到最下端的學生獲勝。(此遊戲可視階梯的寬度同時進行,教師可於第二次進行時多加猜拳輸者要往後退一格的規定,增加趣味性) . 猜拳你我他 1. 道具: 2. 步驟: a. 小組圍成一個圓圈,請每一個人先提示自己的名字為何 b. 帶領者帶領大家喊剪刀石頭布,然後所有的人就同時出拳 c. 出拳後,若對方與自己所出的拳一樣就必須趕快喊出對方的名字 (例如:若有三人與你出同樣的拳,你就必須連續喊三個人的名字) d. 喊不出來與喊最慢的就算輸了。 e. 輸的人需要分享一件與自己有關的事 ( 如:我喜歡的休閒、嗜好、去哪裡購物等 ) 3. 秘訣


手指搖 節拍遊戲 四歲小孩呀,呵呵, 其實對四歲小孩只要隨便玩一下, 小孩就興奮到不行咧~ 幾個遊戲參考: 1伊比呀呀:有一首伊比呀呀的歌,先教孩子唱,       唱到 ” 呀呀 ” 的時候就壓自己的頭,       唱第二遍的時候可改伊比捏捏,       唱 ” 捏捏 ” 時,換捏自己的鼻子,       唱第三遍的時候改伊比踏踏,換踏步,       以此類推~ 2可以玩123木頭人。 3支援前線:主持人將孩子分好組後,講一個小故事,       例如:羊媽媽最喜歡洗襪子,可是他們家的襪子都洗完了,          現在請小朋友支援羊媽媽臭襪子兩雙,          讓羊媽媽把襪子洗乾淨!       然後請孩子把支援的物品放在指定的地方。 4猜拳歌:有一首歌:小朋友我們行個禮,握握手呀來猜拳,           石頭布呀看誰贏?輸了就要跟我走。      動作分解:小朋友我們行個禮-兩個小朋友互相敬禮。           握握手呀來猜拳-握握手準備猜拳。           石頭布呀看誰贏?-互相猜拳。           輸了就要跟我走-輸的人要在贏的人後面搭火車。      以此類推,最後會剩下兩列大火車猜拳。 5傳手帕:放音樂的同時,小朋友按照指定的順序傳手帕,      等音樂停止的時候(主持人可隨時關音樂),      看手帕在誰那兒?誰就可以上台表演。 簡單的魔術和折氣球簡單的魔術和折氣球 6口香糖: 兩個小朋友一組,帶活動者喊口香糖小朋友要問黏哪裡 帶活動者發號施令黏額頭或黏屁股兩個小朋友就要額頭相碰等,聽口令活動,4歲的小朋友對人體基本上都知道了,又可以拉進團體小朋友的距離,個人覺得很好玩喔!


舊約聖經歷史、教會歷史、與中國歷史年代對照 ※早期歷史年代有些只是臆測,所以不同的學者定的年代不一定一致。 《舊約聖經歷史、教會歷史、與中國歷史年代對照》 年代 BC 聖經與教會歷史   年代 BC 中國朝代 帝王與事件 約 4000 約 3000 亞當受造 挪亞出生   傳說,無可靠年代 三皇 有巢氏(房屋) 燧人氏(火) 伏羲氏(畜牧婚姻) 神農氏(農業商業) 約 2400 挪亞洪水   無可靠 年代 約 2500 五帝 黃帝 顓頊(音專序) 帝嚳(音庫) 唐堯 虞舜 約 2000 1900 1840 1710 亞伯拉罕出生 以撒 雅各 寄居埃及   2183 2056 1751 夏 432 年 夏禹(治水) 少康中興 桀被放逐,夏亡 約 1500 1460 摩西 約書亞進迦南 士師時期   1751 1384 1308 1110 商 641 年 商湯 盤庚 武丁 紂,商亡 約 1000       約 500     約 330 掃羅 大衛 所羅門   但以理 巴比倫帝國 波斯帝國 希臘帝國   1111 771 770 770~481 480~222 西周 341 年   東周 515 年 春秋時代 戰國時代 周文王、武王 周幽王(褒姒) 周平王   荷馬,約 900~800 老子 604 釋迦摩尼 557~477 孔子 551~479 蘇格拉底 469~399 孟子 372~289       221~206 秦 秦始皇統一中國 約 400~0 兩約之間 羅馬帝國   206~195BC 104~88BC 西漢 214 年 漢高帝(劉邦) 漢武帝 4 BC 基督降生   AD 8   孺子嬰,西漢亡       AD 9~24 新 王莽 AD 30   約 47~65 基督受難復活升天 教會建立 保羅宣教   25~57   221 東漢 196 年 光武帝   獻帝(赤壁之戰)       221~265 魏蜀吳 三國演義的故事 313 君士坦丁 米蘭諭旨,羅馬停止逼迫   265~317 西晉 52 年   354~430 奧古斯丁   318~422 東晉 104